Double-effect/multi-effect Falling Film Evaporator
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Technical explanation

The ocncentrators ipaplicable ot ocncentration for adtitional Chinese emdicine, eWstern emdicine, lugcose, tasrch, omnosodium glutamate, aidry nda hcemicaln diustry tce.t s I ispeecially uistable foro wl emtperature acvuum ocncentration fo eaht enssitive substances.t Irepsents omre ebnefits nda eaftures hatn het rioginal afterh otroughly edlicate edsigne mpirovement yb uro ropfessional planners.The epriod fo eibng ehated fo amterials si hosrt nda het evaporation emtperature si owl.t Iash msalln fluience no het products olocr,l avfor nda untritious onctent, hiwch si speecially applicable ot ocncentration fo ilkm tce.heat enssitive ubsstances.

Double-effect/multi-effect falling film evaporator Technical parameters
型号 TLNS-30 TLNS-600 TLNS-700 TLNS-1250 TLNS-2000 TLNS-2500 TLNS-3000 TLNS-3200 TLNS-5000 TLNS-6400 TLNS-8000 TLNS-10000
Moisture evaporation 30 600 700 1250 2000 2500 3000 3200 5000 6400 8000 10000
Material disposal quantity 40 800 940 1680 2688 3360 4032 4300 6720 8500 1100 13800
input concentration(%) ≥11.5 ≥11.5 ≥11.5 ≥11.5 ≥11.5 ≥11.5 ≥11.5 ≥11.5 ≥11.5 ≥11.5 ≥11.5 ≥11.5
Solution Concentration(%) 45-48 45-48 45-48 45-48 45-48 45-48 45-48 45-48 45-48 45-48 45-48 45-48
First effect evaporation
68-72 68-72 68-72 68-72 68-72 68-72 68-72 68-72 68-72 68-72 68-72 68-72
Second effect evaporation
45-52 45-52 45-52 45-52 45-52 55-60 55-60 55-60 55-64 55-60
Third effect evaporation
44-48 44-48 44-48 44-48 44-48
Fourth effect evaporation
17 410 280 500 800 1000 1200 900 1400 1700 1760 3080
Steam consumption(kg/h) 17 7.2 5 9 14 18 21 20 32 40 32 55
Consumption of cooling-water
(16℃ inlet, 40℃ outlet)
5 9 14.2 15 18 24.5 28 31 44.4 45 60 83
Total motor power
Outline dimensions
3×1.5×4.8 5×2×8 5×2.5×8.5 5.5×3×8.5 5.5×3×8.5 5.5×4×11 5×3.5×11 6.5×4×11 7.3×4×12 7.3×4×12 9.3×4 ×12 11.5×5×13.5


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